“Hooray, It’s My Big Day! Celebrating Flaws and Discovering Joy”

Birthdays should be a time of happiness, a moment to celebrate and reflect on the year that has passed. They are an occasion for loved ones to come together and show appreciation for the person being celebrated. However, for some, birthdays can be a time of sadness, isolation, and disappointment. This is a story of such unfortunate birthdays, a journey through the bittersweet memories that mark the passage of time.

During my childhood, birthdays were filled with excitement as I eagerly anticipated the surprises and gifts that would be bestowed upon me. I cherished the tradition of blowing out candles and making a wish. Friends and family would gather around me, making the day a testament to love and togetherness.

As I grew older, the nature of my birthdays changed. Adolescence brought its own set of challenges, and it became increasingly difficult to gather friends as everyone had their own lives and commitments. The joy of celebrating gave way to a feeling of growing apart from the people I once held dear.