Meet Manchester The Instagram Star Cat Defying Expectations with 4-Inch Legs

Manchester is a mix between two breeds – a Scottish straight and a MunchkinAlexander Ushakov, from Moscow, named his cat after Manchester United He set up the Instagram because he felt Manchester was ‘cute enough to please other people’ and has amassed over 50,000 followers on the platform

An adorable stumpy cat called Manchester with 4-inch legs from Russia has become an Instagram star, amassing over 50,000 followers.

Manchester, who is nearly two years old, is a mixture of two breeds – a Scottish straight and a Munchkin, which are renowned for their extremely short legs.

The stumpy feline lives with his owner, Alexander Ushakov, 36, in Moscow, Russia, and doesn’t let his teeny height stop him from living his best life.

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‘Manchester was born on September 15, 2018 and I bought him at the age of 4 months,’ Alexander explained.

‘I decided to call him Manchester in honour of the Manchester United football team as I have been a fan of them since 1998.

‘I decided to create an Instagram account for him because I thought he was cute enough to please other people. As it turned out, he has quite a lot of fans!’

Manchester the adorable stumpy cat, pictured, has become a hit on social media

Manchester the adorable stumpy cat, pictured, has become a hit on social media

His owner, Alexander Ushakov from Moscow, set up an Instagram account for Manchester

His owner, Alexander Ushakov from Moscow, set up an Instagram account for Manchester

Ushakov said that he named his cat after the football team - Manchester United - who he became of a fan on in 1998

Ushakov said that he named his cat after the football team – Manchester United – who he became of a fan on in 1998

The adorable cat with four-inch legs who has gone viral

Manchester, who is nearly two-years-old, is a mixture of two breeds - a Scottish straight and a Munchkin, which are renowned for their extremely short legs

Manchester, who is nearly two-years-old, is a mixture of two breeds – a Scottish straight and a Munchkin, which are renowned for their extremely short legs

Manchester's legs measure at 4 inches long, giving him his stumpy appearance

Manchester’s legs measure at 4 inches long, giving him his stumpy appearance

'I decided to create an Instagram account for him because I thought he was cute enough to please other people,' Ushakov said. 'As it turned out, he has quite a lot of fans!'

‘I decided to create an Instagram account for him because I thought he was cute enough to please other people,’ Ushakov said. ‘As it turned out, he has quite a lot of fans!’

'I think the main reason he has been so popular is because of his cute appearance and adorable posts,' Ushakov said. 'So many of his followers message me with support and love and regularly share his snaps with their friends.'

‘I think the main reason he has been so popular is because of his cute appearance andaorable posts,’ Ushakov said. ‘So many of his followers message me with support and love and regularly share his snaps with their friends.’

Ushakov says that the messages of support he receives from followers of Manchester's Instagram account is what motivates him to continue posting pictures of he adorable feline

Ushakov says that the messages of support he receives from followers of Manchester’s Instagram account is what motivates him to continue posting pictures of he adorable feline

Alexander's sweet snaps of Manchester have garnered thousands of likes and are sure to provide your daily dose of positive vibes

Alexander’s sweet snaps of Manchester have garnered thousands of likes and are sure to provide your daily dose of positive vibes

Ushakov said that Manchester is very playful, and that he 'He is always meowing, loves playing mad games, and is always running around the house.'

Ushakov said that Manchester is very playful, and that he ‘He is always meowing, loves playing mad games, and is always running around the house.’

Manchester was born on September 15, 2018 and Ushakov said that he bought him at the age of 4 months

Manchester was born on September 15, 2018 and Ushakov said that he bought him at the age of 4 months

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