“Rescued Paralyzed Pup Notorious and Blind Buddy Shady Show That Adopted Pets Are Worth It”

Cheyeanne Murphy credits her dogs for saving her from going down a dark path and making her life much more meaningful, even though they may not have saved her life in a literal sense. About 10 years ago, Cheyeanne’s mother passed away suddenly after being diagnosed with cancer. This event made Cheyeanne realize that she was on a different path in life; she was working too many hours at a business she didn’t enjoy because she believed that making money was the only way to live. However, her mother’s passing reminded her that life can change in an instant, and nothing is guaranteed.

She admits that some people find it awful, but she always says that her mother’s death was both the best and worst thing that ever happened to her. It forced her to live in the present at a young age. Eventually, with the help of her dear dogs, Cash (who has passed away), Notorious, and Shady, Cheyeanne emerged from the darkness of grief and started to truly live once again. She made significant changes in her life, including switching careers, relocating, and ending a long-term relationship. For an entire year, she focused on deconstructing her identity, figuring out who she was as a person, what she wanted in life, and where she wanted to go. Her goals were simple: she wanted to be happy and make others happy. She truly believes that this is something achievable, with every fiber of her being.

Cheyeanne’s first rescue pet after her mother passed away and her first pet with a disability was Notorious. One day, her sister shared a Facebook link of a little pup playing in the snow with no use of her back legs – doing flips and circles while making high-pitched sounds. Cheyeanne fell in love with the pup immediately, despite the potential challenges of adopting a disabled animal. She was hesitant at first due to her lack of experience with special needs pets, but she couldn’t stop thinking about the dog. After applying for adoption, Cheyeanne finally welcomed Notorious into her family a few months later.

Notorious, a dog adopted by Cheyeanne in Spokane, WA, has been living with her for eight years and is still full of energy and happiness despite being around nine or ten years old. The dog is so fearless that she takes the lead when off-leash and Cheyeanne just follows her, even though Notorious runs on a wheelchair. On the other hand, Shady, Cheyeanne’s other dog, was love at first sight, as she immediately trusted and loved everyone. Although Cheyeanne was initially looking for an ‘unadoptable’ dog, Shady’s loving personality didn’t seem to match this description. However, the animal rescue informed Cheyeanne that Shady was a special needs dog, making it harder for her to be adopted due to people’s desire for pets with purposes.

After being hit by a car and losing both of her eyes, Shady was surrendered by her previous owners to a veterinarian. Despite their efforts to reattach the eyes, only one of them remained in place, leaving Shady with limited vision. Additionally, her age classified her as a senior dog, making her less appealing to potential adopters. However, Cheyeanne stepped forward and decided to adopt Shady, a decision she’s glad to have made. According to Cheyeanne, Shady is an easy dog to care for and has adapted well to her new home. She also gets along well with people of all ages, other dogs, and cats, making her quite the social butterfly.

The way Cheyeanne names her dogs is unique as she always chooses famous musicians as their namesakes. Her love for music stems from the fact that it has been a constant source of comfort during the ups and downs of her life. To Cheyeanne, music is not just a form of entertainment, but a part of her everyday routine. She decided to name her dogs after musical icons as a way to remind them that they too can become extraordinary, regardless of where they come from. Despite being seniors with disabilities, Cash, Notorious, and Shady continue to bring joy and purpose to her life and to those around her. However, caring for them is not without difficulties such as dealing with Notorious’s uncontrollable bladder and monitoring Shady around water. Finding dog-sitters is also challenging because of their high needs.

Despite the challenges that come with owning pets, there are also some small but significant benefits that one may not have considered before. For instance, as Cheyeanne points out, one advantage of having pets is that they can’t jump on furniture, which is pretty cool. On various outdoor escapades, Cheyeanne’s dogs, Notorious and Shady, have been her loyal companions. They love taking part in activities such as paddleboarding, hiking, and even running 5k or 10k races with Shady being carried in a backpack. Moreover, these furry friends enjoy observing wildlife and socializing with new people.

Cheyeanne found hope in her life through the companionship of her two dogs, Notorious and Shady. She learned that the simple moments of happiness are what make life worth living. Seeing her dogs wake up every day with joy despite their difficult pasts inspired Cheyeanne to focus on something other than her own pity. She hopes that by sharing her story, others will be encouraged to adopt rescue pets, particularly those who are seniors or have disabilities. Although caring for these animals may require extra effort, the reward of companionship and love is worth it. Give them a chance and see how they can enrich your life.